Art Nude and Ballet workshops by Dan Hecho in MEXICO

  • Guadalajara, December 04-05
  • Puebla, December 07-08
  • Mexico city, December 11-12
organizer @revelaws
The workshop is aimed at beginners as well as professionals who are interested in mine approach to nude and ballet photography. You'll spend two days in the atmosphere of art surrounded by gorgeous nude models and ballerinas, see all the secrets of my work. You will be able to take part in the art process and masterpiece creation.

In the course of the workshop we are going to focus on the following:
- where to find inspiration
- how to maintain contact with a model in an easy way
- how to see and express volume in photography
- how to process photos in a fast and beautiful way
- how to find models for nude photo shoot

Day 1 ART NUDE day
11:00 – 12:00 Theory:
- Sources of inspiration
- History of nude images in painting
- Photography perception (light, geometry), composition

12:00 – 13:00 Practice Photo shoot indoor:
- the master shows the participants how to work with a model, her body and emotions
Esthetics of movement and poses in correlation with a model's internality and light (shooting with one and two models)
- Work with arms – the basis of naturalness
- how to get in touch with the model, take off her mask and get the required natural state and feeling
- how to manage the natural lighting for perfect result how to get in touch with the model and get the required state and feeling

13:00 – 14:00 lunch-break
14:00 – 17:00 Practice photo shooting aimed to make a portfolio by Master Class participants under control of the master
one by one, face to face with models

Day 2 BALLET Shooting day
11:00 – 15:00
Practice Photo shoot indoor with ballet dancers
- photo shooting aimed to make a portfolio by Master Class participants under control of the master
one by one, face to face with models

15:00-16:00 Break for lunch
16:00 – 18:00 Post Processing:
- Principles of "signature" color correction in Adobe Lightroom (editing 1-2 images from shooting)
- how to use colors in your Lightroom in an original way
how to do quick and quality retouch in PS (ways of working with skin)
the number of participants is strictly limited
participation fee of both days - 6500MXN
(325 USD)

Deadline November 15th, 2021
organizer: @revelaws
to register contact Brenda
by WhatsApp
or tap a link below

FB event

photographer Dan Hecho
This master class presented by Dan Hecho, the winner of the National Russian Photography Award 2011/2013 in the nude genre, winner Photoshoot awards NUDE-2013/2014/2015/2016 and jury member 2017, is for those who want to learn how to create beautiful photographs in the nude genre and how to work with nude female models in a gentle and esthetic way. The master class is aimed at beginners as well as professionals who are interested in Dan's approach to nude photography. You'll spend the time in the atmosphere of art surrounded by gorgeous nude models and see all the secrets of the craftsman. You will be able to take part in the art process and masterpiece creation.

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